Dock shelters
Dock shelters
These dock shelters protect the cargoes during the loading and unloading.They don't allow cargoes to contact the exterior surround during the transfer from one factory to another (receipt, transfer, delivery). So the cargoes are not amenable to temperature changes,there is no energy loss (heat or freezing from the loading area and the most important thina is that cargoes do not pollute or alter from accidental insects, dust etc. There are several accordion types in reference to the height of the floor from the car, the distance of the building position and the dimensions from the cars, which are used.
Technical features:
Accordions consist of metallic frames and flexible parts.
The front frame of n share subsides (without suffer any damage) if it is hit dy a vehicle which has not come right to the loading position and comes back to its earlier position with the help of the springs.
The sides of the accordion are covered by reinforced polyesteric material covered by PVC.
The front blades are manufactured with PVC sheet of thickness 3mm, reinforced with two polyesteric linen.
Plastic parts of PVC fulfill the hygiene rules of E.U.