PRODUCTS Arrow SWING GATES OPERATORS Arrow ASTER 300-400-600 Swing gates operator

ASTER 300-400-600 Swing gates operator
ASTER 300-400-600 Swing gates operator
ASTER 300-400-600 Swing gates operator
ASTER 300-400-600 Swing gates operator
ASTER 300-400-600 Swing gates operator
ASTER 300-400-600 Swing gates operator

ASTER 300-400-600 Swing gates operator

Electromechanical blocked ram for domestic or condominal use on swing gates.

Safe and user-friendly with an effortiess release for quick emergency openings.


ASTER 300: Irreversible extending ram stroke 300mm, leaf's maximum weight 350kg, leaf's maximum length 2.00mt, available in 230V, motor power 280w, thermic protection 150*C, maximum thrust 2800N, revolutions speed 1400 g/m, maximum opening 120*

ASTER 400: Irreversible extending ram stroke 400mm, leaf's maximum weight 300kg, leaf's maximum length 2.75mt, available in 230V, motor power 280w, thermic protection 150*C, maximum thrust 2800N, revolutions speed 1400 g/m, maximum opening 120*

ASTER 600: Irreversible extending ram stroke 500mm, leaf's maximum weight 250kg, leaf's maximum length 3.50mt, available in 230V, motor power 280w, thermic protection 150*C, maximum thrust 2800N, revolutions speed 1400 g/m, maximum opening 120*



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